Negative thoughts are like termites that chew up and spit out our happiness. Many of us are frequently overwhelmed by such worrisome, anxious, fearful, and hateful thoughts. These thoughts gnaw at the fabric of our life, yet we’re often oblivious to basic knowledge that can … [Read more...] about Exterminate Infestations of Negative Thoughts
Depth Psychology
The Psychology Behind Mass Shootings
While some mass shooters are psychotic or schizophrenic, only about five percent of violence in the United States can be attributed to people with mental illness. The rate of mental illness is higher---an estimated 20 percent---among rampage or serial killers. Most of the mass … [Read more...] about The Psychology Behind Mass Shootings
Speeding Up Our Evolution
With the right knowledge, we can quickly become happier and more evolved. Our emotional and behavioral problems emerge from blind-spots in our psyche. As we uncover hidden knowledge, we can avoid a lot of suffering and self-defeat. Overcoming emotional and behavioral problems … [Read more...] about Speeding Up Our Evolution
Easing Tension and Stress at Family Gatherings
Lingering emotional wounds from our family of origin are like riptides in our psyche. At times, most of us in childhood experienced betrayal, rejection, and other painful hurts. As adults, many of us, swept along by emotional undercurrents, are unable to enjoy our time together … [Read more...] about Easing Tension and Stress at Family Gatherings
Wallowing in the Lap of Bitterness
Bitterness is rat poison we feed our memories. It’s the tedious self-torture of desolation row. Bitterness cavorts with evil. It causes people to disown their children or to seek revenge, while it sends others off on maniacal shooting rampages. It shatters the political unity … [Read more...] about Wallowing in the Lap of Bitterness